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The 10th Classic Yacht Symposium and Dinner March 25th 2023


Helsinki Music Centre Mannerheimintie 13 Register for The Classic Yacht Symposium 60€ Register for The Classic Yacht Symposium dinner 80€ Register for The Classic Yacht Symposium and dinner 135€ Recommended accommodation We proudly present our 10th edition of the Classic Yacht Symposium. This year’s theme is “Design and Desire in the Times to Come”. Get ready for a deep dive into the future of classic yachts and the classic yachts of the future. We will talk about evolving aesthetics, design principles, sailors and owners of the future. Who will build them and how? Who will be sailing, owning and enjoying the classics in the times to come?

The symposium is chaired by John Lammerts van Bueren and Samppa Vilkuna. This year’s event will feature prominent yachts people from all over the world: Juliane Hempel, William Collier, Evelyn Ansel, Tapio Lehtinen, Dr. Rüdiger Stihl, Charlotte Hellman, Jarkko Jämsen, Hasse Karlsson, Petri Isotalus, Jukka Kaukonen, Pekka Barck, Allan Savolainen, Arto Linnervuo, Mikael Stelander and Kim Weckström.

The mission of the symposium is to strengthen the bond between the classic yacht owner and sailors all over the world. You will gain a deeper understanding of the history, the present and the future opportunities of classic yachting. The symposium is also a tribute to the contributions of the designers, builders, owners and crews involved with classic yachts.

Esteemed speakers from previous years: Halsey Herreshoff, David Pedrick, Alex Thomson, Juan Kouyoumdjian, Oliver Berking, Heinz Ramm- Schmidt, Antti Herlin, Jussi Gullichsen, Fred Meyer, Henrik Andersin, John Lammerts van Bueren, Violetta Alvarez, Pelle Petterson, Lars Ström, Per-Göran Johansson, Donald Tofias, Sinem Kurtbay, Bobby Cyrus, Philipp Skafte-Holm, Donn Costanzo, James Patrick Howaldt and dozens of other sailors, designers, builders and enthusiasts.

The Symposium is honouring the memory of the Symposium founder, Esko Kilpi.

Venue Dinner: Hilton Helsinki Strand Ballroom John Stenbergin ranta 4


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